We have been closely following the recent report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) that calls for a more than 100% increase in funding by 2025 for nature-based solutions.

The report highlights the urgent need for investment in these solutions to limit global warming to 1.5°C, halt biodiversity loss, and progressively increase land degradation.
Nature-based solutions, such as protecting, managing, or restoring natural ecosystems, are critical to any response to climate change.
However, the report found that nature-negative expenditures, such as government subsidies for fisheries, agriculture, and fossil fuels, are 3 to 7 times larger than current investments in nature-based solutions.
This is a concerning trend, as we currently face overlapping planetary crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. The critical role of oceans in climate mitigation, adaptation, food security, and biodiversity conservation cannot be understated. Yet, the report found that just 9% of investment in nature-based solutions is directed towards marine ecosystems.
The UNEP report also reveals that private capital represents just 17% of total investments into nature-based solutions. Governments will unlikely be able to significantly scale up funding due to current global financial challenges linked to war, debt, and poverty. As a result, private financing for nature-based solutions will have to make up for the shortfall.

The roadmap provided by the UNEP report calls for ramping up private capital investments in sustainable supply chains, offsetting unavoidable impacts, reducing activities with negative climate and biodiversity impacts, and investing in “net-zero” and “nature-positive” activities.
Total investments in nature-based solutions will need to hit $384 billion by 2050, more than double the present level.
To help our readers better understand the significance of this report, we have summarized 15 critical takeaways from the report:
The UN Environment Programme has called for a more than 100% increase in funding for nature-based solutions by 2025.
Government expenditures on harmful subsidies to fisheries, agriculture, and fossil fuels are estimated at $500 billion to $1 trillion annually, while investments in nature-based solutions are estimated at just $154 billion annually.
Only 9% of investment in nature-based solutions is directed towards marine ecosystems, despite their critical role in climate mitigation, adaptation, food security, and biodiversity conservation.
Microplastics are infiltrating phytoplankton in oceans and blocking their ability to capture carbon.
Private capital represents only 17% of total investments into nature-based solutions.
Governments are unlikely to scale up funding due to global financial challenges significantly.
Private funding for nature-based solutions will have to make up for the shortfall.
The roadmap calls for ramping up private capital investments in sustainable supply chains, offsetting unavoidable impacts, reducing activities with negative climate and biodiversity impacts, and investing in “net-zero” and “nature-positive” activities.
Total investments in nature-based solutions will need to hit $384 billion by 2050.
Nature loss is at the heart of many societal challenges.
Nature-based solutions hold the potential to address interlinked crises such as climate change, biodiversity loss and zoonotic diseases.
More than half of the world’s GDP is moderately or highly dependent on nature.
Agriculture, food and beverages, and construction are the most significant sectors dependent on nature.
We need a fundamental shift in mindset to transform our relationship with nature.
Most investments in nature-based solutions need to be aligned with sustainable development objectives.
The UNEP report highlights the urgent need for increased investment in nature-based solutions to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation. It is crucial that private funding makes up for the shortfall in government funding and that we take action to ensure a sustainable future for our planet. As a society, it is time to prioritize nature-based solutions and work towards a more sustainable future.
1MTN contributes to this goal by providing expertise in developing and managing emission reduction projects, focusing on delivering carbon credits that other sectors or industries can buy.